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Easy Way to Check Your Backlinks using Google Analytics

 It sounds obvious but many people fail to realize that google analytics is able to provide them with a list of not only the backlinks to the site but also those best performing backlinks. So next time you see in the reports Referring sites sent 5,882 visits via 680 sources expand those sources to find backlinks from places you did not even know existed. There are several things to do from there. Continue reading →

10 Online Services for Tracking Keyword Rankings in Search Engines

 Here is the list of all online services that I know of which you can use to track your keyword ranking on keywordenvy.comIf course there is also ManageWP (with Business package) which is one of the most affordable ones and comes with whole range of other goodies as well included in the price. Continue reading →

If we can’t do that, then we ought’a go broke

 At the age of only 31, Steve Jobs has already been able to express his fascinating vision, luckily documented for all future generations in the series of videos now available on Youtube.It’s an amazing example of how to build the fanatical corporate culture through nothing more other then strong motivation of every individual involved. At 13:30 watch and learn how to create a company. “World does not care about our internal struggles”, Jobs said. More from where this came from. Continue reading →

Meaningful Gamification

 Gamification has been one of the hot Internet trends lately. If you are not familiar with the term – Gamification is a process of taking game mechanics and bringing it to businesses that are otherwise boring. There is a lot of talk about Gamification and it seems that every new service nowadays has some form of it implemented. This Ted Talk suggests that 50% of all innovation and 70% of top global 2000 apps will be gamified by 2015.The guy is all excited about it, but I cringe in horror. Why? Continue reading →