Archives for 

pakar seo

40 million minutes

 This is, more or less, how much every one of us is expected to live. More than a few times I can remember minutes lasting like an eternity. For example when holding my breath. Or when I was watching my daughter being born. So looking at the number from that perspective, it really seems a lot, with plenty of spare time to be bored even. Yet when I remember that I lived almost 19 million of those minutes already, it does not seem that much. Continue reading →

Things are good. Actually, great.

 In case you are wondering why it took one month for this blog post, it’s because things were doing really good. Great, actually. Two days ago I became a dad to a beautiful baby girl, Petra. As my friend says, I am no longer the son, now I am the father. I have witnessed the birth and it’s the kind of experience I would recommend to all future dads. We started preparing for this about a month ago, buying all the things for the baby’s room. Continue reading →

What should we write about next – WordPress plugin

 After a long time here is another plugin from our brewery. This one is really handy. “What should we write about next” allows your users to quickly leave feedback at the end of your posts. The idea behind this plugin is very simple – allow your visitors to leave a quick feedback about what would they want to read next on your site.This improves interaction, gives you topic ideas and makes your visitors feel useful. It’s a win-win plugin. Continue reading →

We have liftoff! ManageWP pre-order launched!

 I am happy to announce the launch of ManageWP pre-order. Go ahead and secure your 30% discount during the pre-order by signing up now. In the back It was almost 30 hours of non-stop work to get the things done in time for the launch date (oh, that sweet start-up launch crunch time). And it also took 18 months and a crew of more or less 10 people around the whole world, to offer this service I am so proud of at this moment. Continue reading →